If I were to write you a letter….

If I were to write you a letter, I would tell you that I don’t hate you.  I would tell you than I’m not over you yet, though I really wish I was.  I would say that I hope you’re doing well and that I don’t want anything bad to happen to you.

I would mention that occasionally I see you in my dreams, and when I do, I wake up happy that at least I got to see you.

I would tell you the things I miss about you.  I miss the way you would brush my hair away from my face.  I miss the feeling of your hands on my body, the way our bodies intertwined.  I miss your lips on mine and your hands in mine.  I miss the way your eyes looked into mine and those incredibly long eyelashes of yours.  I miss our walks in the evening, underneath the starlit sky. I miss how you would pick me up in the rain.  I miss our nature walks in the woods.  I miss our in depth conversations about everything and anything.  I miss sharing secrets with you and you sharing them with me.

I might say that I play mental videos of us together.  This offers me solace, but at the same time makes me sad because they are only memories.  I know I need to stop this, but I can’t figure out how.

I might mention the fact that I still think the world of you, even though you’ve been ignoring me for the past 4 months.  I truly think that I’ve learned so much from you, and I will always be grateful to you for that.

If I were feeling especially open, I would tell you that I don’t think I’ll ever meet someone like you.  I can’t imagine having so much in common with another human being.  I would mention that nothing has ever made me feel safer than when you held me in your arms.  I would say that I don’t know how I’m going to ever trust another man.

I would ask you if you truly meant it when you called me beautiful, or was it just something to say.  I would ask you if you were being honest when you said that you thought that I was an amazing person.

Tearfully, I would ask you if it is easy not to speak to me… if it’s easy to pretend like I don’t exist.

I would ask you if you thought of me when you listen to music we shared together, or movies that we watched together.

Foolishly, I would tell you that if you ever needed me, I would be there.  That there’s nothing you could do that would make me stop caring about you.  That even though you treated me badly, you are a human being and therefore are deserving of love.

Lastly, I would tell you that I hope that you treat the next (or current) girl in your life better than you treated me because I wouldn’t want anyone else to feel the way I’m feeling.  I would implore you to open your heart and tear down your walls.

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