A Love Letter to Chicago

Dear Chicago,

I hope you are not still mad at me for leaving you for 17 months while I pursued my education abroad.  No matter where the road of life takes me, I will always identify myself as a Chicagoan.  You will always be the first place that I called home.  No other city can take that away from you.  You house so many of my loved ones.  There is a certain warmth and friendliness that I feel when I see the Sears Tower or when I look at Lake Michigan.  Whenever I speak to people from out of town, they express nothing but the utmost amount of love for you.  i realize that I am lucky to call you home.

Having said all of that, I do plan on returning to Europe in autumn.  You will still have that special place in my heart for all time.  Everyone that meets me will know that I am from you because I will speak highly of your amazing self.  I’ll miss you and the wonderful spirit of your residents.  I know I will crave your spectacular skyline, your beautiful beaches, and your incredible food.  I have so many happy memories scattered about you.

So you’re probably thinking, if I am all these incredible things, why do you plan on leaving me again?  I believe that there is certain growth that takes place only when you are living in a foreign country.  I was only in London for 17 months.  There is still so much that I haven’t seen, so much growth that still needs to take place.  It is so easy here to get stuck in a routine of familiarity and comfort and not ever really challenging myself.  In London, I am constantly challenged.  I am challenged to make a home for myself and to be on my own.  I am challenged to branch out and explore.  I am challenged to be social and try to make new friends, something I have always struggled with.  There is a warmth that I feel about London as well.  I find myself referring to it as “home” sometimes.  I do struggle with loneliness, but it is something that I know I need to not be so sensitive to when I go back to London.

I feel the need to travel more and see other countries.  I discovered this opportunity for a reason.  I’ve already come this far.  I am mustering up the courage to leave you again and essentially start from scratch once more.  I will lose my job.  I will need to find another apartment.  But there is so much for me to gain….


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